How To Prepare For Surgery

11 February 2021
 Categories: , Blog


Has your doctor scheduled you for surgery? Most people will go into panic mode when their doctor informs them that they will undergo surgery. Below is an excerpt discussing how to prepare for surgery, what to expect during the procedure, and how to manage your health after the surgery. 

How To Prepare For Surgery

The type of surgery you will undergo will determine how you should prepare. In most cases, your doctor will introduce you to the surgical team. Inquire about the team's expertise. It is a sure way to boost your confidence as you head to the operating room. Your doctor will also assess your current health and any medications that you take. For instance, he or she could advise you to stop taking blood thinners. You are also expected to disclose if you consume alcohol or marijuana.

You will need counselling services if the surgery involves the removal of a body part. For instance, say you will have an amputation.

The doctor will advise you to fast a few hours before the surgery. It prevents food from getting to your lungs when you are sedated.

Wear loose clothing on the day of the surgery. Do not wear makeup and jewellery. Additionally, remember to take a shower. 

What To Expect During Surgery

A few minutes before the surgery, your nurse will ready you for the procedure. Typically, he or she will measure your temperature and blood pressure. An anaesthesiologist will administer anaesthesia to keep you unconscious during the surgery. For minor surgical processes, the anaesthesia will make you lose sensation in the area that is to be operated on. Once you are unconscious or numb, the procedure will commence. 

Life After Surgery

Your consciousness or sensation will resume a few hours after the surgery. In most cases, you will experience pain in the operated area. As such, your doctor will administer medication to relieve the pain. Your doctor could ask you to stay in the hospital for a few days. It enables doctors to monitor your health and look out for surgery side effects such as bleeding, infections, and blood clots. The doctor could recommend physical therapy or a change in diet to help you recover from the surgery. He or she could ask you to avoid strenuous activities before you are fully recovered. 

You now know how to prepare for surgery and what to expect in the surgical room. Always follow the doctor's instructions. Otherwise, you risk severe complications during the procedure or after surgery.